I highly recommend you spend some time to watch these videos I have done explaining what cellulite is.  The more you understand the better decisions you will make for treatments.  I may repeat one or two things but sometimes it is needed to explain a concept.


Cellulite is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy appearance. It usually affects the buttocks and thighs but can also occur in other areas.

Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin.

Weight loss and exercise can help improve the appearance of cellulite.

Other cosmetic treatments are ultrasonic cavitation, radio-frequency systems, body cupping, injectable products (mesotherapy), & others.

Retinol, cellulite serums & oils are great for home care.  If you do treatments at a salon you need to do home maintenance as well.

These may need to be repeated regularly with home care in between treatments.



So why do we get "cottage cheese" or "orange peel" thighs? There is no single answer.

The possible causes of cellulite include 

  1. hormonal changes,

  2. genetics,

  3. weight gain or weight loss,

  4. a poor diet,

  5. a sedentary lifestyle or

  6. smoking.

  7. Some even say that tight clothing and frequent sitting can cause cellulite.


There are a number of treatments at Beauty Zone to help reduce the appearance of the cellulite together with home maintenance to maintain results.


Home maintenance, drinking water and improving lifestyle and excercise are all important in maintaining results or cellulite will come back.

What grade cellulite do you have?

Cellulite Grading  1

The start of Cellulite which is not always visible on your skin.  You will need to pinch your skin to see the cellulite so treatment is preventative.


Cellulite Grading 2

Cellulite is visible when you squeeze the skin or if you cross your legs

Toxins are starting to form in the andipose tissue

The skin looks relatively smooth 

the skin shows paleness, lower temperature, and decreased elasticity after compression or muscular contraction. There is no visible “orange peel” roughness to the skin


Cellulite Grading 3

Toxins have accumulated & are now pushing up into the connective tissue & are visible to the eye

Circulation is poor & bruising occurs easily

Back of the arms can also have cellulite

This is when the lumps and bumps are starting to make themselves visible. Thin granulations in the deep levels of the skin can be detected by palpitation. All Grade 2 signs are present.


Cellulite Grading 4

Cellulite is now beginning to harden

Can be sensitive & tender due to the pressure on the nerve endings. 

It is very difficult to reduce a hard cellulite

More visible, palpable, and painful lumps are present, adhering to deep structures in the skin. The skin has a noticeable dimpled, wavy appearance. Additional microscopic changes are detected. Grade 4 signs are present, and cellulite is constantly visible to the patient


You can also have two different grades on your body.  You could have grade 2 and grade3 at the same time and therefore need different types of treatments.

What is Mesotherapy?


Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove excess fat.


What is Injection Lipolysis?


Injection lipolysis is another noninvasive treatment that’s similar to mesotherapy. The terms “mesotherapy” and “injection lipolysis” are often used synonymously, though they’re slightly different.

During injection lipolysis, small amounts of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate are placed with an insulin needle into the fat layer under the skin to break up fat. 


All Mesotherapy can be done together with any machine treatments depending on the grade of the cellulte.  Machines eg Ultrasonic Cavitation will only help the start of cellulte but will not work on cellulite that has progressed so you need a combination of machines.


The two work together to boost each other, or you can do the mesotherapy on its own and you do home treatments.  


When using these treatments you need  to be able to control your intake or avoid  alcohol and sugar on the day of the treatment to give the product time to move throught the fat pockets.  In general try to avoid eating fast foods daily and keep it to once a week with lots of vegetables, water and fibre.  So diet plays a role in keeping the legs smoother for longer.  I have a range of products, oils and capsules you can use to keep your cellulite looking smooth.

Patented active ingredients in Lipogon CryoCurve causes a rapid change in temperature. During traditional Cryolipolysis, the Adipocytes are cooled down to the point of “freezing”. This results in an apoptotic chain reaction and cellular death. THE CRYOLIPOLYTIC ACTION OF LIPOGON CRYOCURVE The Snow Algae in Lipogon CryoCurve restricts energy (heat) to the area of application. This results in the crystallization of the dissolved fat. These fat crystals are broken down by the immune system and drained away by the lymphatic system. The Adipocyte membranes are left permeable and incapable of fat storage










If you are allergic to iodine, caffeine, heart disease, cancer, stroke, pregnant, breastfeeding or any other condition that needs your doctor's consent.


Please note:  You need to eat as healthy as possile, drink 2-3 litres of water, do no strenous excercise for 24 hours, no hot steam baths, sunbeds for 72 hours and avoid alcohol.

This product shows a result within 7-10 days and can be repeated within 2 weeks.

Ultrasonic Cavitation will only help on the start of cellulite where there is only one or two slight indentations.  Radio Frequency helps with the tightening of the skin and the building up of collagen.

The G5 Massager (above this video) is great for all stages of cellulite.

None of these machines are permanent.

They help you 1) manage your cellulite at home

2)keep the cellulite from worsening

3)temporarily improve the look of it

There is no permanent cure from getting cellullite but you can prevent it from worsening.

If you look at the pics below you will see how bad some progress to and it is permanent once it gets that bad.  If you don't try to fix your diet and treat the cellulite you can't stop this from happening.



3 x Lipogon Cryocurve done in back of legs 14 day results


The client in the above pictures had cellulite Grade 4, which means is the cellulite is visible when she stands, sits and walks.  It also had lumps or hard fibrous pieces at the back of the legs.  It was visible all over the legs.


First Step:  The worse the grade the more costly to make it look better .  The client must decide on a budget but best option is to spread the cost out over a couple of months plus add home treatments to reduce the cost of salon treatments.  

The less work you do on your cellulite at home then the longer it will take to improve.  Cellulite can improve but it cannot be permanently removed.  It has to be looked after and especially during winter.  It is not something you only look after during summer as it will get worse.


This client chose to work on her legs every second week and then once a month. Dec 2021 until Dec 2022.

The home treatments are preferably done daily but this helps spread out costs.  The Parafango wrap works better on lower grades of cellulite so this is something we chose to do near the end of 2022.



This whole process has been taking months with the client doing home treatments and coming ONCE A MONTH to me to do maintenance.

Prices may differ due to supplier increases.

This client have chronic Grade 4 cellulite.  The dosage of Lipogon, she chose to use, is very low so she can only use it on the back of her legs.  Therefore the front stays the same.

1 x Lipogon is only going to spread 10cm so you can imagine how long this will take plus she must improve her diet and excercise and treat the legs at home.

To get to this grade takes years of toxins building up and neglect of the legs and diet.

She was offered machines but she chose to do it once only as she was saving for a holiday.

Her first option would have been to do a higher treatment and then drop off on the dosage but after about 6 months she stopped to save for the holiday.  Therefore this result could have been much, much better but the client has the choice as to how much to invest in themselves.

The legs will permanently stay like this and can progress even further into painful lumps.

REMEMBER the dosage chosen is the lowest which is 1 ml in each leg fitting 10cm2

Products available from Beauty Zone to use at home